does lizzie become a vampire in legacies

Related: Legacies Suggests That TVD's Damon Was Right About Being A Villain. MG is not going to be happy about this one. However, they're here memorializing yet another student and that is not what the school was meant to be. Saved, Hope tasks her with a new test.Toegether, they're going to hunt some condescending vampires. Returning to Professor Vardemus' office, they discover that Jen and the sarcophagus are gone. Extending a pinky finger, she asks Lizzie to stick with her until the bitter end. Although she can use some inspiration for the how part. In I'd Leave My Happy Home For You, Jo and Bonnie are attacked by Lily during Jo's bachelorette party. Lizzie resists and Hope doubles down, commanding her to drive the stake into her heart. Aurora attempts to speak, but Lizzie casts another spell to silence her. However, she finds MG trying to do just that. He gives her a wooden stake, though he prays that she'll never have to use it. During the reception later that night, she, Josie and Bonnie are trapped in Kelly Donovan's explosion of the Lockwood Mansion. Instead, she locked them up and claimed she destroyed the key. However, he knows they'll figure it out, better than he could. After the sudden urge to hug Josie, Lizzie goes to apologize to her dad who tells her contrary what she believes that he always has time for her and Josie; however, Lizzie still feels something's amiss but cannot figure it out. She wonders if she could juice her back up to be prepared for the ritual next week, but Andi politely refuses. Lizzie and MG talk; she's concerned that Ethan will hate them since his compulsion will wear off now that he's supernatural. Lizzie thinks it a trick and Aurora, at one time, would have tricked her, but she reiterates Lizzie words. As Lizzie rifles through more books, a secret compartment opens, revealing Alaric's journals. In There's a World Where Your Dreams Came True, Lizzie returns home, but she is upset at her father for not getting the updated itinerary since it's due to him not seeing it. Lizzie wants to see the glove, too, but Samantha leaves her to finish the wash. Learning that something isn't right, Lizzie returns to Andi's cabin to spy on her. She and her sister were the third on-screen birth after. Lizzie trades in facts and not tall tales. Ultimately, Jen accepts their offerings. Killed by 18 (TVD) (including 2 voice only episodes)1 (TO)62 (LGC) (including 1 voice-only episode)81 (Totaled) She tells Josie that she has learned of a magical object, the ascendant but does not know much about it, other than it could perhaps have something to do with the Merge. If he hadn't stopped to save those . She eventually attempts to reveal herself to the school but is stopped when MG begins to deliver her eulogy. MG scoffs at that, believing it to be a load of crap. Alaric later tells the twins about the Merge after Hope pressures him. Regardless, she doesn't know why she was the one that got to bring her back, but she's happy she did. Lizzie has come up with a solution; the first, and hopefully last, fundraiser month. As sirens blare in the distance, Hope takes it as their cue to leave, though Lizzie has one more thing to do. Hope explains that she's not talking to Tristan and turns her around to show her Lizzie who apologizes. Hope's Latest Transformation Is a 'Tidal Change' for Legacies Season 4. Seline takes the girls to a diner, where Sybil and Damon find them, and then to a motel, where she plans to offer them to Arcadius in exchange for and Sybil's freedom from being Arcadius' servants. With Kaleb's help, she sends the patrons away. Lizzie wants her to answer one question while saying how she really feels. Startled and afraid, Lizzie runs, however she is no match for Sebastian's speed, and he manages to catch her. She thought she knew what the right thing was, but she always talked to her dad about it. Despite her attempts to piece herself back together, she believes herself to be truly un-fixable. Hope apologizes to her and Josie for running out on them. Her work can be found, or expertise cited, at Forbes, CNN, CBS, Variety, CNBC, Marvel, Business Insider, Birth.Movies.Death, Film School Rejects, and more. As the witches prepare for their number, Lizzie confronts Josie and the witches. Landon is free and has returned. A wolf breaks the tree line, snarling. Lizzie packs a bag as MG knocks on her door. She also questions what they do with Jen herself, who's clearly loath to raise any god. The pukwudgie's powers are finite. She has similar sentiments with Hope, which makes her assume that it wasn't so easy to betray her family. However, arriving at the ritual site, Samantha knocks her unconscious. She jolts awake exclaiming the name "Hope Andrea Mikaelson", having regained her memories perhaps due to the blast of dark magic from Josie. Lizzie and Caroline have both always had their flaws, but the heightened emotions of being a vampire made Caroline more aware of others and more empathetic to them, rather than less. The circumstances that. In It's Been a Hell of a Ride, Kai breaks free from the Armory's holding cell and hunts his nieces. Hope accepts. Lizzie vamps behind Ken and screams out for them to take the spear as she siphons from him. Alaric wants to flee back east, never wanting this life for her. As they depart, Kaleb admits he deserved that. She has friends and she and Josie won't let that happen. Lizzie, however, wants to do the spell. She instructs Josie to continue to play along and take her to the ritual site so that they can get close enough to Hope to bring back her negative emotions to break the drug's effects. Likewise, the same thing is true with Lizzie. In order to save her, Alaric trusts Jade an experienced EMT to talk him through the steps to stop the bleeding. As they make their way to the Grand Hall, they're greeted by the other students and Alaric with a pre-victory party. Hope uses the motus spell to take the Red Oak stake from Lizzie's hand, but Lizzie casts incendia and incinerates the stake before Hope can use it against her. Lizzie addresses the few students at the assembly. She is also the surrogate daughter of Caroline Forbes, as the twins were magically placed into her womb by the Gemini Coven to save their lives. She kills the Arachne with Hope and Josie. Lizzie breaks up their conversation to begin the spell. She's shocked, but that gives him an idea. They unchain Lizzie and devise a plan. There's someone that knows Landon and she needs them to get her there. He would then reunite Lizzie and Josie with Alaric and Caroline. When everyone is back, Lizzie astral projects to the Prison World and tells Sebastian to jump into the Malivore pit, given the Prison World is unstable and is folding in on itself. She meets Jo Laughlin, her biological mother for the first time but is rather distant with her, preferring to leave to organize her party. Josie attempts to get in contact with someone at the school but nobody answers the phone. It can't wait. The team nearly wins until Josie casts a spell to ensure that Kaleb does not catch the football. He believes in her and Lizzie siphons him in time and casts the spell. They won't be triggered by seeing ex-boyfriends, nor be ones to make out with ex-girlfriends. They worked together in a mutually beneficial relationship, as Lizzie asked Hope not to take away the sire bond after their goals were completed. She explains that she tried to drink it all, but it was bitter like him. With Hope momentarily out of the way, she uses her magic to remove the dark object and release Aurora. When Alaric calls, he gives them news and asks if a school vampire feeds on human blood, MG lies saying no and after finishing talking to Alaric, Lizzie who quickly understood that MG was lying, orders him to tell the truth. Cracks of thunder ring out as Ken, though badly wounded, emerges from the smoke. However, their moment is interrupted and the doors slide open. There is no reason why she can't be whatever she wants, too. She apologizes and tells Alaric that she didn't mean to do it. As Gemini twins, the inevitable issue of the Merge, in which one twin would absorb the other, had been hanging over the heads of Josie (Kaylee Bryant) and Lizzie (Jenny Boyd) for years. In her memories, they learn of Finch's suppressed memory of her ailing grandfather. She's between a rock and a hard place and believes that everyone is going to think the "sire bond" is just an excuse because they have no idea how intense it can be since none of them have ever had one. They grant wishes in exchange for favors and they could wish the Malivore portal closed. Hope realizes why she's holding on to her. She's been zapping herself all day which is why there's no slug in her. That's all that she has considering the Red Oak has been destroyed. Lizzie believes she's done something really bad. In Goodbyes Sure Do Suck, Lizzie attempts to aid Rafael and Landon with a transference of power spell in a hope to preserve Rafael's life. Lizzie berates her for not being able to follow simple directions. Episode Count Due to Josette's death, she was carried via surrogacy by Caroline Forbes. Lizzie's love interest on Legacies is Sebastian, a suave vampire from a different time. Josie leaves and Lizzie nearly runs into MG. To escape him, she casts a cloaking spell on herself. In 'The Vampire Diaries/ The Originals' universe, the Gemini witches have a ritual to select a leader which is called The Merge. Lizzie made herself her problem and all she needed to do was find the key with her name. Hope suggests that she un-cancel, but she doesn't believe she's ready. She comes to the conclusion that she should be what they want her to be. However, MG has succumbed to the venom and has died in her arms. Aurora already knows how to fix their problem if Lizzie agrees to her terms. Alaric assures her that they'll work on the god stuff but encourages her to talk to someone, even if it's not him. Aurora pushes down a support beam and some of the floor collapses as she makes her escape. MG quips back to her, that if she really knew him so well to make a long list, and wonders how she can't not know what's bothering him. Though they have thirty students enrolled to support the school, with fewer students than before, they're suffering from financial loss as well and had to cut back, such as dances and trips being canceled. Currently, there is only one other known Heretic in the world: Valerie Tulle (Elizabeth Blackmore), who was a recurring character in The Vampire Diaries season 7. It is eventually revealed that the croatoan is actually after those who keep the most secrets, therefore is after Lizzie. 'We have mutually decided to end our relationship as boyfriend and girlfriend,' they announced in identical Instagram posts. She recalls that she, too, has had a tragic prison world mishap and lost a boyfriend and explains that she's comparing blind spots. Since Lizzie's already a witch, and is now a vampire, she's now officially what The Vampire Diaries universe refers to as a Heretic. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. Josie is regretting her decision and she should have been there with her. Lizzie muses how it runs in the family, telling her own story about Hope. Lizzie refuses to run or to fight Hope. While Cleo gets more intel, Alaric instructs the witches and vampires to get the minerals. Lizzie astral projects to the Salvatore School, to MG and Cleo. She entrusts the task to MG, who accepts. Their friendship was also in jeopardy when MG made out with Lizzie's twin sister's ex-girlfriend, but this has been resolved. Kaleb nominates Cleo for their squad and the majority passes the motion. They have to keep the ascendant out of Hope's hands long enough for the celestial event to pass. They lack necessary information and that every move they make must be considered more than the one before. He expects them to work together while he's gone, as he'll be meeting with another supernatural scholar about another lead. In This Feels A Little Cult-y, a week or so later, Josie and Hope arrive at the wellness retreat. Lizzie casts an illusion spell to make her appear like herself, as opposed to Aurora. Hope has the potential to be the most powerful supernatural being who ever existed and she's a ticking time bomb. MG doesn't want to get ahead of themselves, but Lizzie confirms that this was Ethan's blood that she's tested. As the two walk away, Lizzie uncloaks them from her magic. She feels a connection immediately, despite not knowing who or what he is. Despite her instability, she loves herself and she believes she's capable of doing it herself without Lizzie's help. She never thought there was a point to thinking about the future. Hope hands her some money, telling her to go get her some cotton candy. Lizzie has found a loophole to her father's rule. Josie interrupts the conversation and tells the two that her and Lizzie will Merge later that night. Lizzie then wishes that her parents never found the boarding school. Lizzie believes that based on what she's learned, she chooses to do things that are harmful to her as a consistent pattern. Jen works at her metal shop, Torch 'n Toke, until she's greeted by Lizzie. Ben will show the wolves how to set up the bomb before they have to report to the bunker for the full moon. Ultimately, he's sorry for leaving them in a world more dangerous than before, when all he wanted to do was make it safer. Hope points out that she wanted to kill her, only for Lizzie to remind her that she actually did kill her and put her father into a coma. The betrayal forced Hope to feel a flicker of emotion that made her question her humanity, especially Lizzie's comparison of Hope to a monster. Casting the incendia spell, she destroys the stake. Lizzie and MG head back into Alaric's subconsciousness. In a motel room, she and Hope imprison Aurora in enchanted chains. With Malivore dead, wherever Ben is, she believes he's there for eternity. While on a picnic date with Sebastian, MG interrupts them, and inadvertently convinces Lizzie that Sebastian isn't real and that she's having a psychotic break. Lizzie embraces Ethan in a hug, then MG before bringing them all together. Ryan has a plan to stop Malivore, but Lizzie is uninterested and casts a sleeping spell on him. She tries not to reveal Hope's secret, however things are difficult, especially when Landon reveals that he and Josie did not have sex. In Follow the Sound of My Voice, Lizzie and Hope come upon a carnival. Hope decides to have Lizzie stake Aurora. Aurora drives the car, still with a flat tire to a gas station with the map in hand. Uncle Ric prepares his horse with Lizzie hot on his trails. As fans eagerly anticipate the season finale, all eyes turn toward Hope (Danielle Rose Russell), Josie (Kaylee Bryant), and Lizzie (Jenny Boyd) as they get trapped in a hallucinatory nightmare following their time at the witches' wellness retreat. After the battle commences and Ken having disrupted their plan, she, Alaric, and MG are forced to feel through the woods. After more than three seasons, Legacies finally solved the problem of Lizzie and Josie's Merge with a loophole first introduced in The Vampire Diaries. Lizzie is more pessimistic, citing that they'll have to plan another vigil. What she has to say to him, there's no guarantee that any of us lives to see tomorrow, and if she doesn't get a chance to say this, she will always regret it. After that, then they can go after Aurora. Kaleb's found the culprit, a leprechaun, and they trap it in the werewolf transition space. Is Josie Saltzman a vampire? Aurora reassures her that it wouldn't. The deal was that he would vote for her and take her as her date to a party. She's probably not the right person to ask and believes she should also stop pretending like she knows the answer all the time. He's called some parents and they have thirty students to satisfy the town charter. Is Lizzie Saltzman a doppelganger? With the talent show over, Lizzie, Josie, and Alaric talk. Having not noticed that Lizzie slipped her bracelet on to her wrist, Josie is violently shocked, expelling the slug from her. After Hope defeated Malivore, she turned off her humanity and brutally attacked Alaric to ensure the other students would leave her alone. She offers Finch that she knows a spell that can put memory blocks in place. He proposes they summon a pixie, a kinder, gentler version of a genie. While Lizzie wants to make Hope suffer, she doesn't believe that means she deserves an eternity of torture. Josie tries to tell Lizzie that she cannot practice magic having put away her power previously but Lizzie is too caught up in the moment to listen. After dying and completing her transition, she has the typical weakness of a siphoner-witch non-Original vampire hybrid. Previously, it was only Klaus Mikaelson's (Joseph Morgan) blood that could cure a werewolf bite. She threatens the students with her former, meaner, self if they do not appoint Josie their captain, to which they agree. However, Lizzie points out that she's locked in a cell and her schedule is wide open. She has so many things that she wants to explain to him, and regrets all the times that she let him down or made him feel used. Throughout Legacies Series Season Two Season Three Season Four In This Year Will Be Different, Ethan bumps into Hope while she is trying to track down a new creature that escaped from Malivore. Born She hates how many good memories they have and how she is the one to do this when no one else is willing to do it. Lizzie remembers it being sweet, but Josie has another account. Hope muses if they're going to use a jewelry box to get rid of her dark side. She needs to salvage whatever they can, though Ethan reiterates that it can kill Hope. Kaleb Hawkins was a vampire and a student at the Salvatore Boarding School who first appeared on the second episode of the first season of Legacies. "Ric" Saltzman is a main character of Legacy. Together, they set off to find her. Josie wants to sign her own song and everyone could contribute to the choreography - it would be a real collaboration. Before Hope can answer, however, the Keeper arrives, welcoming the two to "the game". While they handle the wolves, he'll get the vampires inside. Aurora doesn't understand. She tells Cleo that she knows of a way to deal with their Hope problem. The first thing Lizzie wants to do is to head back to Mystic Falls to have Hope save her dad. Also Is Josie or Lizzie stronger? Lizzie first met Sebastian at the Old Mill and was instantly attracted to him, even telling MG that she might have a crush on him because he didn't know who she was. Hope speeds up the process by casting incendia, just in case. Ethan gasps awake. She then meditates with him and they discuss her mental health and she states that she doesn't want to hurt anybody. Awkwardly, she and MG move apart as MG struggles with his words. Like her, she had a solid plan B, which was running away. Hope reminds her about no extra complications, and this is just that. Alaric is a Human, Vampire Hunter, former history teacher at Mystic Falls High School and a former Enhanced Original, not by being one of the first vampires . Lizzie berate her because she wanted to end it, until she didn't only to start torturing her. However, before they can continue their conversation the pukwudgie appears in front of several people, causing them to scream. She tries to comfort her and learns that her sister is missing, that someone took her. Lizzie is surprised to find out that she betrayed her family. Finch had plans and they believe she's missed her shot and is dating someone else. Despite Rafael's rejections and wanting little to nothing to do with Lizzie, she still makes it clear that she wants him and calls "dibs" on him when Josie asks about Rafael. Lizzie offers to do some invisible spying. Aurora doesn't trust him, though Ben tells them that they're trying to trick a god. The reason for the sarcophaguses. Lizzie knows she screwed up but she knows that Aurora is in Jen's metalshop planning to do something stupid, but begs her not to make any sudden moves. He tips his hat to her and rides off into the night leaving her. She is later seen with Josie and MG gives her a plate of brownies because he knows they are her favorite. In her defense, Aurora claims that she can be quite symptomatic at times. Lizzie reaches for his gun, determined to go with him, but he rejects her, believing her soft and that they would eat her alive. She asks to be unchained and she'll tell them. She questions what he is, and he reveals that he is a vampire, much to her relief. She explains to Lizzie that she knew he was dangerous which was why she cut the key from him and left him chained to the tree. Despite telling her to stay away, she uses a locator spell to track Sebastian, who arrives as the result proves inconclusive. She tells her that she's a witch as well as Josie's sister. They explain that it's a promise of new life and a life full of promise. She tells Lizzie that they have a crazy uncle, and that he killed Jo on her wedding day. They bond over common interests, and Lizzie even suggests a potential second date, doing something they both enjoy. When Alyssa picks tug-of-war as the first game, Lizzie tells Josie that she just needs to cast "imobilis" and they will win the game. Lizzie believes that, based on the drawings, it's a spell to bring someone back to life. 5. Using the siphoned magic, the telekinetically opens the sarcophagus and pushes Aurora into it, shutting it behind her. She stands corrected as Lizzie didn't need her help and her retorts that Aurora merely followed her. Someone is in the shower. She'll never get the chance to apologize and explain that she hated what she had to do. He doesn't know how Ethan will take things but knows that Lizzie was a hero today. Ken has asked for her help so that he can hide from a fight. Plucking a key that has Hope written on it, she can leave whenever she wants and explains that she'll give her a goodbye before she kills her. Lizzie agrees, as Hope used it against her. With her mind made up, she walks off, leaving Lizzie alone. It's odd, because it's meant to be empty, but Josie explains that Hope came to the school and trapped her within. Biological:Alaric (Paternal Great-Great-Grandfather)Ed Saltzman (Paternal Grandfather)Dianne Saltzman (Paternal Grandmother)Joshua Parker (Maternal Grandfather)Joshua's Twin Brother (Maternal Great-Uncle)Malachai Parker (Maternal Uncle)Joey Parker (Maternal Uncle)1 Unnamed Maternal Uncle 2 Unnamed Maternal Aunts Olivia Parker (Maternal Aunt)Lucas Parker (Maternal Uncle)Josette Laughlin (Biological Mother)Alaric Saltzman (Father)Josie Saltzman (Twin Sister)Elena Gilbert (Step-Sister via Alaric)Via Surrogacy:Caroline Forbes (Surrogate Mother)Stefan Salvatore (Late Step-Father via Caroline)William Forbes (Surrogate Maternal Ancestor)Gerald Forbes (Surrogate Maternal Ancestor)Margaret Forbes (Surrogate Maternal Ancestor)Bill Forbes (Surrogate Maternal Grandfather)Elizabeth Forbes (Surrogate Maternal Grandmother)Bob (Surrogate Maternal Great-Uncle)Mary (Surrogate Maternal Great-Aunt) She can't guarantee she won't do something worse tomorrow. Legacies 4x11 Vampire Lizzie and Tribrid Hope Brutally Kill a Vampire 133,377 views Mar 3, 2022 2.1K Dislike Share thevampirediaries 692K subscribers Be sure to subscribe and click the bell. She's the only person on the planet that she would betray anyone for, especially him. Lizzie struggles with this, but eventually is sent a letter by Caroline in which she is told that there is no defining moment in life. There's a dark spot over his memory. They almost lost the school because students fought monsters, but that's only the partial reason she sided with MG. Taking a different approach, they decide to take the remaining students on a one-on-one approach and she gets Gaby. At the Salvatore field day, Lizzie talks with MG about how well the day is going, but he remarks that things will surely change when the games are announced. He imagined a world where they became friends and, even, family where they would protect each other. Lizzie greets them and Hope learns that Josie tricked her into coming. In Long Time, No See, Hope pushes for them to use the ascendant and search for Landon in the prison world. Hope tells her that when they first got here, they passed a vendor selling stuffed animals. They join hands in a circle of branches and other herbs and as they cast the spell, the nearby Cherry trees begin to blossom. Lizzie tells him not to bother because all those books will tell him he needs magic, something she'll be able to help him with. Ethan appears before them with beers stashed in his locker room. However, Penelope later enters the gym and says some hurtful, yet truthful words to her that causes Lizzie to break down crying. Lizzie is to help Dorian evacuate the building while he'll search for Ethan. Lizzie asks where the canes were, but she doesn't know. Lizzie finds Cleo jogging and welcomes her to their squad as her mentor. Another lead while they handle the wolves, he knows they are favorite... 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